Thursday, December 31, 2009

Registration Packets

Can you believe it was 10 years ago that we were all worried about Y2K?  My how time flies!


Registration packets will arrive in homes and the documents will be posted on the web on January 26.

Registration Forms should be mailed to NCQS 2010 no earlier than January 29.

I was surfing the web today and found a picture of this beautiful Carolina Lily quilt.  I don't know who made it , but just thought I'd show it to you since it was so beautiful.  Isn't the quilting amazing too?

If you need any information, you can go to the official North Carolina Quilt Symposium site by clicking  here

Hapy new year and happy quilting!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Karen Stone

The last teacher to announce is Karen Stone.   Here she is beside one of her award winning quilts.

Karen will teach two classes: Organization of Color and Enticing Ties.

You can find out about all Karen's books here.

So that's the complete list of all the teachers at the 2010 Symposium.  It's quite a line up isn't it?  How do I ever decide which class to take?  It's going to be difficult to decide.  All the teachers are so amazing.

Happy quilting,

Teacher Jenny Raymond

My goodness, the last month has just gotten away from me and I am so sorry I haven't even told you about all the teachers yet!!
Jenny Raymond is going to teach two classes:  Magic Machine Applique and Creative Thinking For Your Studio.  I'm sure we would all like some help with our studio.  I know I sure could use some help!

To read more about Jenny, and see her work, please visit her website here.

Happy quilting!