Thursday, December 31, 2009

Registration Packets

Can you believe it was 10 years ago that we were all worried about Y2K?  My how time flies!


Registration packets will arrive in homes and the documents will be posted on the web on January 26.

Registration Forms should be mailed to NCQS 2010 no earlier than January 29.

I was surfing the web today and found a picture of this beautiful Carolina Lily quilt.  I don't know who made it , but just thought I'd show it to you since it was so beautiful.  Isn't the quilting amazing too?

If you need any information, you can go to the official North Carolina Quilt Symposium site by clicking  here

Hapy new year and happy quilting!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Karen Stone

The last teacher to announce is Karen Stone.   Here she is beside one of her award winning quilts.

Karen will teach two classes: Organization of Color and Enticing Ties.

You can find out about all Karen's books here.

So that's the complete list of all the teachers at the 2010 Symposium.  It's quite a line up isn't it?  How do I ever decide which class to take?  It's going to be difficult to decide.  All the teachers are so amazing.

Happy quilting,

Teacher Jenny Raymond

My goodness, the last month has just gotten away from me and I am so sorry I haven't even told you about all the teachers yet!!
Jenny Raymond is going to teach two classes:  Magic Machine Applique and Creative Thinking For Your Studio.  I'm sure we would all like some help with our studio.  I know I sure could use some help!

To read more about Jenny, and see her work, please visit her website here.

Happy quilting!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Teacher Elin Waterston

This is Elin Waterston.  Elin  will give a lecture titled Finding Your Voice and will teach 2 classes:
 Fabric Journals and Fabric Collage.

You can see lots of Elin's work and read her descriptions of these classes on her website here.
We had a meeting on Saturday.  We have a few fun things planned, but I can't tell you about it yet!
Elin has a blog which I just found. Just click on her name to go to it.  It's great!
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Quilting,

Ellen Ann Eddy

This is Ellen Ann Eddy.  She will teach  Dragon Fly Sky and Thread Magic and she will do a lecture titled Beautiful Beast.

Click here to go to her website to read more and see some of her beautiful work.
Happy quilting

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Teacher Janet Lasher

Janet Lasher is one of our local talented teachers.  She will be teaching two very interesting classes: Shibori and Soy Wax BatikYou can read more about Janet by visiting her website here.

Happy quilting!

Teacher Pat Sloan

I've been really busy, visiting grandkids, having family visiting, driving to Boston for the birth of our latest grandson.  That's why I haven't posted in quite awhile.
This is Pat Sloan.Pat  will be teaching teaching 3 classes: Wild and Free Quilts, Find Your Inspiration and Machine Applique
You can visit Pat's Website here .
Happy quilting!

Teacher Paula Scaffidi

Paula Scaffidi is going to be teaching 3 classes: Intro to Land and Seascapes, Creative Embellishments, and Art Scarf 4.  You can see Paula's beautiful work and read all about here on her website, Fiberella. Just click here .

Paula says, "Fiberella is a meeting place for a community of people interested in new ideas and techniques, with a place to show recent work, find important resources and reflect on our collective creative experience."

Happy quilting,

Friday, October 23, 2009

Teacher Susan Purney Mark

Susan Purney Mark loves to work with surface design.
She will be teaching two classes:
Sheer Illusion and Surface Matters-Stamp it up!

To learn more about Susan and see some of her work on her website,click here

Are you getting inspired by all these teachers? I know I am. It's going to be difficult to choose which classes to take! They all look great.

Happy quilting,

Teacher Terry White

Another teacher we are excited to have teaching with us is Terry White. Terry is teaching 3 classes: Coleus, Hearts and Pears, and Cherry Rug.

You can read all about Terry and see some of her beautiful thread painting here on her website.

Happy quilting!


Teacher Bonnie Hunter

We are very pleased to have Bonnie Hunter as one of our teachers. Bonnie lives in North Carolina and we are very proud of our North Carolina teachers. Bonnie will be teaching 2 classes: String Spider Web and Crumb Piecing. On her website, Quiltville, Bonnie says, "The best things in life are quilted".
To visit Bonnie's website, here

Happy quilting,

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Teacher Flavin Glover

Flavin Glover is well known for her amazing designs using the basic log cabin bock.
She will be teaching 3 classes: Log Cabin Diamonds and Triangles, Coloring With Fabric and Colorful and Creative Log Cabin Diamonds

Click here to visit Flavin's website.
Happy quilting,

Free Tutorials

Good morning quilters
It is a dull Saturday here in Charlotte, a perfect day to sew all day, but alas I have to go to a wedding this afternoon!
One of our teachers, Paula Scaffidi, which I haven't featured yet, has some free tutorials on her website.
I think you might enjoy taking a look. Click here to go to Paula's website.
Happy quilting,

Friday, October 9, 2009

Teacher Velda Newman

The next teacher on our roster is Velda Newman.

Velda Newman is an internationally recognized contemporary quilt artist, author and lecturer from Northern California. Known for her large scale, mostly organic designs, Velda creates original quilts of exceptional beauty and craftsmanship. For the past 18 years Velda's work has appeared in many national and international exhibitions and has been featured in over 30 publications, including Quilter's Newsletter and Threads magazine. She lives in Northern California and is the mother of 4 and the grandmother of 10.

To learn more about Velda and see some of her work just click here to go to her website.
She will be teaching 2 classes:
Texture and Form 1: A 1 day technique class.Description: Nature is an endless source of beauty and inspiration. With this in mind, learn how to get rid of "flat" appliqué. Students will learn to create texture and form using machine techniques.
Quick and Easy Painting Technique: Description: Paint offers endless opportunities for creating special effects on fabric. Learn how to add color and give the illusion of shape, shadow and form to a flat surface.
Happy quilting!

Teacher David Taylor

The next teacher in our line up is David Taylor. We are pleased to have a male teacher this year!

Here is a little background about David:
"About my quilts... My first quilt design was a collaboration with my friend and long-arm quilter Madeleine Vail. We finished our quilt in 2000 and it sold at a fund-raiser auction for $25,000. I was hooked. Who knew I would be still be doing this a decade later. Quilting has consumed my life, and fabric has consumed my home. I'm not one for stepping out of my box very often, but in 2006 I did convert to hand-applique, which I now love. I'm still machine quilting, as it is impossible to separate me from my Bernina 160. There is nothing more fulfilling to me than machine quilting. I'm now traveling the country lecturing and conducting workshops and having the time of my life."
David will teach a class on Pictorial Applique and give a lecture titled Reluctant Journey.

To learn more about David Taylor please visit his website here.

Come back tomorrow and I'll announce another teacher.

Happy quilting,

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Teacher Carol Taylor

Another wonderful speaker we have lined for Symposium up is Carol Taylor.

Internationally known, award-winning quilt artist, Carol Taylor, approaches her quilt making with intensity and a seemingly boundless energy. Vibrant colors, striking contrasts, use of value, as well as heavy machine quilting and embroidery distinguish Carol’s quilts. She has created over 490 quilts since she began quilting in 1993.

Carol will teach a class called Value of Value:
Learn how to use VALUE to make your quilts stand out and “flow” from light to dark, while making a long skinny quilt (vertical or horizontal) for that special place on your wall? (Or maybe even create a table runner.)

This quilt will measure 14 x 57 or 14 x 71. This class is based on a project for a new book Carol has been invited to be in, and will emphasize a simple, hands-on method of learning to use value and make it “flow” in your quilts. The photo here shows a horizontal orientation, but you can hang it vertically too. It is fused patchwork with couched circles, similar to my Arc-i-Texture class, but mostly it will teach you how to use value and create “flow” in your quilts!

This is a chance to use some of those fancy and unusual fabrics that you’ve been attracted to, but didn’t know how to use. We will tame them by fusing, and learn to mix them with other textured looking fabrics. And you won’t need much of any one fabric---even scraps will do!

You’ll learn a bit about composition, and how to balance it with both color and size, and use value to make your design “flow”. You’ll learn about fusing and how to finish your quilts with facings instead of bindings. And Carol will also teach you how to quilt and couch those “perfect” circles that have almost become a trademark on her quilts.
Carol will also give a lecture titled Sew Many Quilts, So Little Time.
To learn more about Carol, you can access her website here and see samples of all her beautiful work. Check out her studio too. You'll be envious!
Happy quilting,

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Teacher Laura Wasilowski

Another teacher we are very excited to have teaching at Symposium 2010 is Laura Wasilowski. Laura has a blog which you can read here . You can also visit her website, named Artfabrik here and see some of her beautiful work.

She is going to teach 2 classes, Garden Of Eden and Stitch After Fusing and she'll also present a lecture titled I Quilt, Therefore I Am

We are very excited about the line up of teachers. I'll reveal another one tomorrow.

Happy quilting!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Teacher Robbi Joy Eklow

She calls herself The Goddess of the Last Minute. Her real name is Robbi Joy Eklow and she will be one of our teachers at the 2010 Symposium.You can read all about Robbi on her website, here.
Robbi will be teaching 2 classes: STILL LIFE and BUFFET. She will also be doing a lecture.
We also have something else Robbi will be doing but it's a secret... and I can't tell you!

As to what other teachers we have lined up, you'll just have to come back another day.

Happy quilting

Monday, August 31, 2009

Teacher Karen Eckmeier

We have a great line up of teachers. Today I wanted to feature Karen Eckmeier.Karen will teach two classes: HAPPY VILLAGES and LET'S MAKE WAVES.
Karen's web page is Quilted Lizard. If you would like to see some of her amazing work, you can check it out here.

Happy quilting!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Teacher Patti Medaris Culea

The next teacher I want to tell you about is Patti Medaris Culea. Patti is a fabulous doll maker.She will be teaching CREATIVE CLOTH DOLL FACES 4 and JOURNAL PAGE 4 and JAPANESE WOMEN 4. You can read all about her on her website. Just click here.

Happy quilting,

Monday, August 17, 2009

Teacher Cynthia Corbin

Another teacher we are pleased to have is Cynthia Corbin. She will teach a class titled STRUCTURE AND VARIATION and do a lecture also.

On her website Cynthia says, "I remember my grandmother’s quilts. They were not lovely, but pure utilitarian weigh you down and keep you warm coverings. With a collection of fabrics salvaged from years of clothing, those quilts reflected an ethic that I find recurring in my own experience-- accept what you are given and work with what you have. My grandmother’s quilts told stories and evoked feelings, connecting me to a family’s history. That connection has influenced a need to express something unique to myself and my time."
Click here to go to Cynthia's website.

Happy quilting, Rhondi

Teacher Charlotte Angotti

Hi y'all

How are you today? Are you working on any interesting projects right now? I get lots of sewing done this time of year because when the temperature is hot, I stay inside where it's cool!

We now have many of the teachers confirmed for 2010 symposium so I can tell you who they are.

The first one is Charlotte Angotti, a teacher from SC.

She will teach a class called LET ME SUPRISE YOU and also do a lecture

Click here to go to her website and read more about her.

Come back tomorrow and I'll tell you who else we've got coming.

Happy Quilting, Rhondi

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Guess Who's Coming to Symposium

We had our guild meeting last night and Patti was giving updates on plans for symposium. There has been lots of excitement and many of you are already asking about registration packets. We are still getting signed contracts back from teachers and I don't have the final list yet but here is our tentative teacher list:

Karen Eckmeier

Laura Wasilowski

Pat Sloan

Robbi Joy Eklow

Patti Culea

Karen Stone

Cynthia Corbin

Carol Taylor

Sue Spargo

Velda Newman

Kim Diehl

Janet Lasher

Elin Waterston

Flavin Glover

Ellen Anne Eddy

Bonnie Hunter

Charlotte Angotti

Melody Crust

Chris Eichner

Happy quilting, Rhondi

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Location Location Location

Everyone knows location location location are the three most important words in real estate.
Well we think that we 've got that covered with the location for Nothing Could Be Finer, the North Carolina 2010 Quilt Symposium. It's going to be at Johnson and Wales right in the heart of Uptown Charlotte. Click here for a tour of the campus.

Next time I promise I'll tell you the names of some of the teachers we've got lined up.

The date is June 3-6, 2010.

Happy quilting, Rhondi

Friday, May 29, 2009

Save The Date

It's official! The Charlotte Quilters Guild is hosting next year's symposium. Our committee has already begun to work on making it a wonderful experience. That's why we are calling it "Nothing Could Be Finer".
So save the date!
Next time I'll tell you about the wonderful teachers we have lined up.